Office of the Chief Economist

The Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) conducts research into economic issues around intellectual property (IP). We use this research to inform policy decisions within the agency.

The OCE's role

Through its research, the OCE provides evidence on:

  • the economic impact of IP policies and ownership, such as innovation, competition, trade, productivity and economic performance
  • our agency's operational effectiveness
  • the IP system's role in meeting economic challenges and trends. 

The Australian IP Report

The OCE produces the Australian IP Report — our agency's flagship annual publication that provides the latest data on IP activity in Australia.

The report:

  • provides the latest data on the IP rights we administer
  • analyses the volume of applications for IP rights filed in Australia, including the:

    • number of IP rights registered or granted
    • geographical origins of IP applications
    • types of innovations in IP applications, including the companies that are most prolific in filing IP rights.
View the Australian IP Report 2024

Economic research papers

The OCE also produces economic research papers that aim to:

  • build upon the knowledge base that underpins IP policy
  • evaluate the economic impacts of different aspects of the IP system
  • assist the agency in its decision-making by contributing evidence and insight.

View our economic research papers

Get in touch

If you're a researcher who's interested in potentially collaborating with us, reach out to us at

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Our research

As part of our goal to continuously improve our products and services, research is one of our core activities. 

Australian IP Report 2023 

The 2023 Australian IP Report provides IP for a skilled, diverse, and productive economy.

Trade marks Patents Design rights Plant breeders rights

Publications and reports

We prepare and share our research findings in relation to emerging and current technologies and processes, issues affecting IP and other matters, in our publications and reports. Review our most recent work here.