Public consultations

If you have an interest in the direction of intellectual property (IP) in Australia, our public consultations are an opportunity to have your say on past, current and future policies.

Who we work with

We work closely with a wide range of stakeholders to:

  • understand their needs and goals
  • receive valuable expertise and insights
  • help us make informed changes to our policy.

Our stakeholders include:

  • customers
  • researchers
  • businesses
  • legal professionals
  • IP and business peak bodies
  • other Australian government departments
  • the general public.

We also collaborate with the Department of Industry, Science and Resources to advise the Australian Government on IP policy, as well as international stakeholders to facilitate trade, investment and technology transfer.

How to access our consultations

If you'd like to review our current and past consultations, visit our consultation hub.

Visit the consultation hub

How you can take part

There are two ways you can take part in our public consultations:

Provide feedback

Provide feedback on:

  • Open public consultations through our consultation hub.
  • Any policy issues we're currently working on or considering in our register.

Visit the consultation hub  View the Policy Register


Submit a new item

If there's a policy matter that you'd like to raise, you can submit it to our policy register for consideration.

Submit a policy issue