Update and renew overseas IP

Once your trade mark, patent, design right or plant breeder's right is protected overseas, you'll need to maintain it. You're responsible for keeping your details up to date and renewing your right on time to keep it protected.  

Maintaining your overseas IP rights

Each of your overseas intellectual property (IP) rights has to be maintained to keep it active.

Keep your details updated

You'll need to make sure the IP rights details are kept up to date, especially for changes in ownership (assignment) or contact information.

Renew your IP right

Your IP right will need to be renewed if you want it to remain active. If you don't renew it by a certain deadline your protection will lapse.

The timeframe and fees involved in renewing the IP right will vary depending on the type of IP and the target country. 

  • Trade marks
  • Patents
  • Design Rights
  • Plant breeder's rights

Seek professional advice

Managing your overseas IP can be tricky. If you need help to update your details or renew your IP, you can engage an IP professional to assist you.

You can also contact the country's IP office for further guidance.

Engage an IP professional  Contact overseas IP office